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This is a Dutch Internet site with some English - and German documents

Many documents on this site are in two alternatives present:
- htm-document (html) widely accessible ;
- een doc-document if you have Word97 (or higher);
- een pdf-document
For the PDF-documents you need the programme Adobe Reader® or Adobe Acrobat® reader. This software is download free on the Internet site of Adobe®
At the documents you see also the date, on which the document is placed.

The homepage offers the choices:

English documents by number: Selection of the English documents.

all documents on number: then you get a list of all available documents on numerical order. The newest documents appear at the top. This list is easiest if you already know which documentnumber must have. You get the document of your choice by clicking on the htm -, pdf - or doc-extention of the document number.

all documents on heading: then you get a list with (Dutch)heading names. You click on the heading of your choice, then you see all documents at this heading. This possibility is probably most skilful if you are interested in document of this heading, or if you want to see also other documents in the heading of your choice. You get the document of your choice by clicking on the htm -, pdf - or doc-extention of the document number.

tip!.. special documents: It is a selection from the documents which you can find also by means of above overview. O

links: a page with references to other Internet sites related to this site.

help!!: this help page.

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